Friday, July 16, 2010

Best Way To Lose Body Fat – 8 Tips

There are many ways to lose body fat but it is not always easy to keep the fat off.
The best way to lose body fat is making changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you can keep up for the rest of your life. In this article I want to give you a simple but life transforming tips for you to lose your undesired body fats.

They are as follows:

1. Get yourself prepared for a life long change. Prepare to lose your excess body fat gradually and surely rather than horridly because those who lose fats horridly are more likely to gain it back. Aim to lose about 1 or 2 pounds fat weekly. Avoid fad diets and drugs they do not work for long.

2. You must be conscious and cautious of your foods and drinks. What you eat in quality and content is very important and you need to chose them and keep timetable and list. Do not eat watching movies eat at the table and eat slowly, people that eat to fast often eat too much.

3. Develop the habit of drinking plain fresh water and probably unsweetened tea or low fat milk. Avoid completely sugary drinks and sugar sweetened drinks and processed drinks.

4. Eat more of home made foods rather than eating out. Home made foods are healthier and less expensive. It’s even easier to control and know what you eat when you prepare your own food.

5. Go for more fruits and vegetables they help you to keep healthy and fill you up with very low calories. You can prepare fruit salad and vegetable salad and be careful of the dressing on it.

6. Breakfast is good for you do not skip your breakfast. This will help you to avoid being very hungry which leads to overeating. Those that eat breakfast lose weight easier.

7. Eat snacks of vegetables and fruits instead of candy and cookies. You can take low fat popcorn or low fat yogurt.

8. Get involved in moderate daily physical activity for 5 to 6 days a week. This keeps you healthier and burns excess calories making you to lose body fat. Do it for at least 30 minutes daily, it may include walking, jugging, running and skipping

Making a sure and life long changes in you diet and including physical exercise gives you the best way to lose body fat.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4 Potent Tips for Best Fat Burning Plan

There are many steps that can be taken to effect fat burning, however I wish to let you into these 4 very potent tips for the best fat burning plan. This combines potent exercise with great natural diet program. These are:

1. High Intensity Interval Workout (HIIT)

If indeed you are interested in burning stubborn fat fast then get involved in HIIT. The low intensity boring regular cardio exercise will not deliver the best result that you will want as much as the high Intensity Interval Workout will do. The High Intensity Exercise will burn the fat at a very high speed. It is also fun to get involved in such exercises. One of the best High Intensity workouts is to sprint back and forth between two short locations like a basketball court for about 15mins to 30mins. Another on is to basically do your workout at a low or moderate pace followed by a very quick burst of intense faster activity.

An example is when you are on a treadmill; you may start with moderate pace for about 3minutes followed by a very intense pace for about a minute. You will now continue that method for about twenty to forty minutes.

2. Take a lot of water

The effect of water in this program cannot be over stressed. Water will help you flush out all toxins in your body; it will help to metabolize your body fat. It will also help to repair your muscle tissues and many more things. You need plain fresh portable water not less 2 liters or 12 glasses each day.

3. Increase in intake of green vegetables

Eating a lot of vegetables is very good for fat burning process but for this type of very fast fat burning the consumption of a lot of green vegetable such as spinach and broccoli is very super effective. Very green veggies will help your digestive system significantly and in turn your metabolism also will greatly increase. Hence you have best fast fat burning.

4. Engage in taking green tea

Taking green stuff is very great for fast fat burning Green Tea has also proven to be a very effective way to stimulate fat loss and burn your stubborn body fat efficiently and quickly by boosting your metabolism. Take 1 to 2 cups of organic green tea without sugar added, each day and you will see remarkable result.
Place your fat burning plan on a fast track, get the best fat burning plan running now and make a great success of it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fastest Way to Burn Fat

Have you been looking for the fastest way to burn fat? I am going to put in your hand quickly now the fastest way to burn fat for your fat burning effort to yield the greatest and fastest result. There are seriously no secret in the fact that for every fat burning effort two great things stand out. These are proper diet and exercise. Studies had shown that all that need to be done is to properly combine these two ingredients successfully using the best of each to achieve your goal.

There are a number of things to do for the result to be fast and excellent. They are:

1. Let your exercise be done first thing in the morning.

Exercising early in the morning will help you burn fat much more and faster than doing the exercise at any other time. This is because the early morning exercise gives you the following benefits:

a. Exercising in the morning will boost your metabolism throughout the day. It means during the day, you will burn more calories and the more calories you burn the more the weight you will lose.

b. In the early morning your body would have used up your carbohydrate reserve during the night and because of that and since you have not taken any breakfast your body will fall back on the use of fat deposit as energy and that makes it to burn the fat in the absence of carbohydrates when your exercise is on. Just ensure that you have your exercise early in the morning for about 30 minutes then prepare yourself and take the second step and that is take your breakfast.

2. Ensure you eat breakfast in the morning:

when you combine eating breakfast in the morning with having early morning exercise you have a very great result like a two edged sword attack.

This is also for the following points:

a. Eating breakfast will help to boost your metabolism on it own. Actually not eating breakfast will slow down your metabolism.

b. When your body is fed early in the day through your breakfast it will prevent it from breaking down muscle tissues for protein.

c. Early morning breakfast prevents you from taking mid morning snacks.

3. Take lot of water

The part that water will play in your fast fat burning effort cannot be played down. When you do your early morning exercise and eat your breakfast you will have tuned up your metabolism so much that when you take a lot of water each day you consistently lose weight. I will suggest that you take not less than 12 cups of water daily.

Your fat burning program move to the fast track when you engage these potent steps and you start to burn fats the fastest way. Take a real action now.

Friday, July 9, 2010

How To Loose Belly Fat And Improve Your Health

If you have been searching for how to loose belly fat you need not search further. I am sharing with you here in this article how to loose belly fat.

Having belly fat is an indication of overweight and it may open you up to some other health risks such as: high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

You need to loose belly fat for the health benefits inherent and to improve your general health, whether you are a male or a female, in your twenties or in your forties or even in your sixties, whether you have any sign of heart disease or not. I am still advising you to loose your belly fat and live to enjoy good and stable health.

If you are overweight particularly in your midsection, loosing just 5 to 10 percent of your weight and keeping it off lowers your risk of developing most of these diseases and improve your health.

How to loose belly fat and improve your health include the following steps:

1. Increase your water intake:

loosing flab and fat in your midsection can take just a little time but it must be combined with hard work and concentration, consciousness and dedication. You will need to increase the volume of water that you take daily. You will need between 8 to 12 glasses of water daily. Clean, plain, fresh water helps you; it flushes out of your body bad toxins and helps to filter out waste.

2. Cut on daily calories intake:

The more calories you take in daily without burning such the more the weight you gain and the more your health risk. Reduce your daily intake of calories by at least 200 calories daily for the first 30 days of this program. When you do this your body will be forced to start accessing the calories that had been locked up inside your abdominal area for some years back. The result is that the weight and extra fat in your midsection will start to melt off as the calories are used up.

3. Burn more calories through daily exercise:

The effectiveness of engaging in daily exercise on your efforts to loose belly fat cannot be overemphasized. You need to boost your body’s amount of calories consumed on in cardio in a day.

Walking is a step in the right direction if you can keep at it for at least 30 minutes every day at the start and increase the time by about 15 minutes over the succeeding weeks.

You will start to see appreciable difference in your general weight and indeed fat concentration in your midsection.

Do you want to loose your belly fat and live. Take a positive and decisive step right away Click here for solution and advice

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How To Reduce Body Fats – 4 PotentFacts To Work On

Having body fat can pose serious health problems and health consequences. However you can safely reduce body fat if you are in possession of the facts about it.

In this article I have prepared 4 facts to guide you into safely and successfully reducing body fats and keeping it reduced so as to avoid the serious health risks. These risks include: heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones and some forms of cancer. Losing weight can help you reduce these risks.


1. Any program or claim that says you can lose weight without efforts on your part will much likely be false. The only proven way to lose weight is to either reduce your calorie intake or to increase the number of calories that you burn off through regular daily exercise. In actual fact, many experts recommend the two. I am also recommending both.

2. If you are taking low calorie diet it should be supervised by medical experts, dietician or weight loss experts. This is because very low calorie diets are not without risk. Unsupervised use of very low calorie diets can deprive you of many nutrients and are therefore dangerous to your overall well being and health.

3. Any fat burning program that gives you fad diet will hardly keep your weight loss on a permanent basis. This is because sudden and radical changes in your eating pattern are difficult to sustain overtime. Such program said the dieters into quick weight lose followed by a quick weight gain once normal eating is resumed.

4. The fourth fact is that to lose weight safely and to keep it off permanently requires a long term changes in daily eating and exercise habits. Quit a number of expert recommend a weight lose of about a pound a week. If you can reduce your daily calories intake by 500 calories you will be able to achieve such a goal since reducing 3,500 calories is required to lose one pound.

An important way therefore, to reduce your body fat is to lower you calorie intake through learning and practicing healthy eating habits.

If you are really interested in reducing your body fat and remove all health challenges of you life. Check it out here right away!

The Diet Solution Program –Reviewed by Peter Olu-Joseph

This site: Best Fat Burning Workouts- Tips and Recommendations is dedicated you your fast burning efforts and the restoration of your firm sexy body and great health.

Have you been told by your Doctor or Primary Health Care provider or even your friends or relations that you are overweight? It may even be that you have found out that your dresses are getting too tight for you or probably you now find it uneasy to climb the steers, it may be as a result of your increased weight.

However I will want to let you know that been overweight may come with inherent risk and challenges to your health which seriously speaking can be easily avoided taking some easy steps and effecting little changes to your daily food intake and activity level. Such challenges to health may include high blood pressure (hypertension), heart diseases or stroke, diabetics, high cholesterol, gall bladder disease, sleep apnea (Interrupted breathing during sleep), osteoarthritis (wearing away of the joints) and including some dangerous forms of Cancer.

I have discovered some great experts among the fat burning and weight loss product and service providers and I have benefited from their expertise and program and I wish to help as many people as will wish to get their weight problems fixed for ever to have great and easy walk-through on their plans.

Talking about the “The Diet Solution Program” This fat burning, weight loss program outlines the solution to the problem of overweight and obesity and achieving along with it healthier body and healthy life.

There are three (3) principles you will follow which are:

1. It will make you to know exactly the foods that cause accelerated fat burning in your body
2. It will reveal to you the particular foods that are preventing fat burning.
3. It will show you how to put the right food together in a certain way to create the fast burning effect.

This program aims at generating the following typical results:

1. Achieve losing 3-10Ibs (1.5 to 4.5kg) of weight in a week.
2. Consistently losing weight thereafter.
3. If you follow what is taught in the program you will lose weight as desired.

As the program aims at helping you to lose unwanted weight, it helps you stay stronger with more energy and more firm muscles. It also helps you to lower your health risks and improves your general well-being.

Facts about carbs

I want you to note the following about carbs which this program reveals:
1. It is NOT all carbs that are created equal.
2. Your body needs carbs to function properly.

There are carbs that will NOT help you to burn fats such includes:

1. Whole wheat bread
2. Whole grain pasta
3. The so called health cereals
4. Whole grains crackers

However, it reveals that the following carbs will help you burn fat. These are:

1. Sprouted Grain Bread
2. Rice
3. Spelt
4. Millet
5. Quinoa
6. Sweet potatoes
7. All fruits and vegetables

Facts about fats

1. There are Good Fats and there are Bad Fats.
2. It is impossible to lose fat without eating fat.
3. Not all fat will make you fat.
4. You can eat Good fat and you even need it to stay healthy and strong while burning fat.

There are fat that will make you fat (Bat Fat). These include the following that you should avoid:

1. Hydrogenated oils
2. Canola oil
3. Margarine
4. Substitute butters

There are also fats you MUST eat to lose fat (Good Fat):

1. Real Butter
2. Whole eggs
3. Coconut oil
4. Olive oil
5. Avocados
6. Raw nuts

In your quest to burn your excess fat, diet solution program wants you to know that processed foods are not good for you and will therefore, want you to stop your habit of eating such foods.

This position is taken by the experts behind this program because of the following facts they stated about processed foods:

1. They contain lots of sugar and sugar is your enemy.
2. They contain harmful chemicals
3. You want your liver to work optimally by:
- Breakdown of fats
- Filtering of harmful substances

You will therefore, have to avoid these processed foods and chemicals.

1. Artificial sweeteners
2. High fructose corn syrup
3. Hydrogenated oils
4. Processed soy products.


a. You will NOT need to count calories
b. The number of calories does not matter
c. Most people are NOT even eating enough calories.

Where most diet fail are in the following areas:

1. They are NOT specific to your own body.
2. They do NOT tell you anything about your “metabolic type.”
3. Foods need to be specific for you.
4. Portions need to be specific for you.
5. You must eat foods that you enjoy.
6. Calculations are too complicated.

In Diet Solution Program, you will be taught the following:

1. Exactly what to Do about your excess weight.
2. Exactly what to Eat.
3. Exactly when to Eat.
4. Exactly which food to Eat and how to combine them.
5. Exactly how to make it ideal and specific for you.

What Diet Solution Program is NOT?

1. It will NOT put you in starvation mode.
2. It will NOT deprive your body of the necessary fat.
3. It will NOT restrict carbohydrates.
4. It will NOT require you to buy supplements.
5. It will NOT make you eat tasteless foods.
6. It will NOT require you to count calories or points.
7. It will NOT take over your life.

Stated below are summary of what you will get from the Diet Solution Program

1. It puts your metabolism on “Fat Burning Auto Pilot”.
2. It shows you exactly how much to eat with no calorie counting.
3. It will teach you the best carbs to eat for fat loss.
4. It will show you to use REAL, delicious food for maximum fat loss results.
5. It will give you easy “Personalized meal” plans.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Secret of The Best Fat Burning Exercise- Make The Most of Your Workouts

You can make the best out of your fat burning workouts if you are in possession of the secrets of the best fat burning program. It is quite common that people start a workout program to burn fat only to see them quite a couple of weeks later. The problem is that of information overload and misunderstood information. The sad part of it is that many of such information are false.

Sometimes ago when I decided that I wanted to lose weight, it was a matter of trial and error and I was getting different answers from different sources. What ended up happening was that I tried several diet techniques only to become discouraged each and every time. I tried almost everything from crash diets, supplements, apple cider vinegar and so on.

However the fortunate thing about it was that through all my failures, I was learning something new and gradually I developed my own workout plan that worked for me and had worked for many other people that had been introduced to it. You see the secret to successful weight loss does not depend on finding the best fat burning exercise, nor is it dependent on finding the right supplement or fad diet. Seriously speaking it is really a combination of the three major things. Weight loss takes place when the correct diet is in place and combined with a solid work out plan.

So what exactly is the best fat burning exercise? In order to lose the most fat when working out you will need to implement a combination of weights and cardio into your workout. The secret is that weight loss should be viewed as a lifestyle change and not as a temporary goal. It is true that you will need weights to strengthen your joints and bones and to increase your lean muscle mass. It is not a secret that weight loss is the result of burning more calories than are taken in. The best exercise to do this is cardio.

A cardio workout will have you burning the most calories. Keep in mind that fat loss requires that you work smart rather than work hard. If you push your workouts to the extreme without proper supervision, you will be risking getting injured. You will also need to be smart when tracking your caloric burn. It is important to note that during a workout you will lose water weight, muscle tissue, and fat among other things. You will profit maximally if you can design your workouts so that you get maximum fat loss each time.

In order to get the best from your fat burning workouts you will also need to know your body mass index, and maximum heart rate. From there you can design a workout plan that is directed to your body type. This is not as difficult as it sounds. It may seems like there is so much to keep track of, but it will all fall into place once you decide to take action. Take action and don't be
discouraged. You may need to find a personal trainer that can guide you in the right direction.