Friday, July 16, 2010

Best Way To Lose Body Fat – 8 Tips

There are many ways to lose body fat but it is not always easy to keep the fat off.
The best way to lose body fat is making changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you can keep up for the rest of your life. In this article I want to give you a simple but life transforming tips for you to lose your undesired body fats.

They are as follows:

1. Get yourself prepared for a life long change. Prepare to lose your excess body fat gradually and surely rather than horridly because those who lose fats horridly are more likely to gain it back. Aim to lose about 1 or 2 pounds fat weekly. Avoid fad diets and drugs they do not work for long.

2. You must be conscious and cautious of your foods and drinks. What you eat in quality and content is very important and you need to chose them and keep timetable and list. Do not eat watching movies eat at the table and eat slowly, people that eat to fast often eat too much.

3. Develop the habit of drinking plain fresh water and probably unsweetened tea or low fat milk. Avoid completely sugary drinks and sugar sweetened drinks and processed drinks.

4. Eat more of home made foods rather than eating out. Home made foods are healthier and less expensive. It’s even easier to control and know what you eat when you prepare your own food.

5. Go for more fruits and vegetables they help you to keep healthy and fill you up with very low calories. You can prepare fruit salad and vegetable salad and be careful of the dressing on it.

6. Breakfast is good for you do not skip your breakfast. This will help you to avoid being very hungry which leads to overeating. Those that eat breakfast lose weight easier.

7. Eat snacks of vegetables and fruits instead of candy and cookies. You can take low fat popcorn or low fat yogurt.

8. Get involved in moderate daily physical activity for 5 to 6 days a week. This keeps you healthier and burns excess calories making you to lose body fat. Do it for at least 30 minutes daily, it may include walking, jugging, running and skipping

Making a sure and life long changes in you diet and including physical exercise gives you the best way to lose body fat.

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